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What is CBD?

Updated: Dec 11, 2020

Brought to you from Rena's Organic

The Origins Of CBD And Its Many Uses

As the popularity of CBD continues to grow, one of the most common questions people ask is still “What is CBD and where does it come from?” This guide will provide you with the basics of CBD and the many ways medical grade, high-quality CBD oil or cream can be used to improve your health.

The first thing that you need to know is that CBD is an acronym for cannabidiol. CBD, or cannabidiol, is a natural substance and dietary supplement that, until a decade or so ago, was relatively unknown by the general public. Unfortunately, there is a lot of confusion and misinformation circulating about it even though it has been shown to be effective for many health conditions.

Where Does CBD Originate?

CBD is separated and extracted from the Cannabis plant. When people think “cannabis” their immediate association is that it’s a plant with psychoactive properties. However, that’s completely false when it comes to CBD.

The reason for the confusion is that the most abundant compound extracted from cannabis is THC. THC is well known because it is the part of the plant that causes a person to feel ‘high’. THC is still illegal in many parts of the United States. Thankfully, CBD–the medicinal part of the plant–is now legal in all 50 United States. CBD is not medical marijuana, which is only legal in certain parts of the country. CBD is legal in every state and does not require a medical prescription.

It’s important to understand that though CBD comes from the same plant family as marijuana, they are two completely different compounds. CBD does NOT get you high. Yet, it has been reported to induce a sense of calm, promote balance, and even give you energy and help relieve pain when paired with certain herbs and ingredients.

Even though CBD is completely separate from THC, for some people, there is still a stigma surrounding it due to people mistaking CBD for THC. At Rena’s Organic, I want you to share with you the truth about CBD and its amazing properties.

That’s because I want you and your loved ones to have an alternative to risky and debilitating pills and opioids. But one important thing to realize is that all CBD is not the same. I’ve heard some say, “I tried CBD oil and it did nothing for me.” Sadly, people are unknowingly taking CBD in the form of gummies or snack bars, which offer very little absorption, and getting no results.

My long-time clients tell me that they are so happy that I’ve created Rena’s Organic. Even though awareness about the benefits of CBD is fairly recent for most, quite a few had already tried it, with mixed results. When I ask people, “How many milligrams of CBD is in the cream or oil you tried?” many times the response I hear is, “I have no idea.”

That’s because so much marketing around CBD is not transparent. It’s so important to be a smart shopper when buying CBD and to know what to look for. There’s no reason to throw your hard earned money away on bogus products that claim CBD, but actually, have very little medical grade CBD content.

I’m sure it’s unknowingly, but I’ve been surprised to discover that even many doctors who do carry CBD, are selling blends with very low potencies. One uninformed neurologist told me that, “No CBD product discloses potency.” Of course, that’s absolutely false because the public needs to know what they are buying.

In some cases, products being sold do contain higher levels of CBD, but two important questions are, “Where was the CBD grown?” and “Is the CBD full spectrum or isolate?”

Why does that matter? It’s so important to be certain that the CBD you are ingesting is not only potent but clean, pure and free of contaminants. The cannabis plant is very porous and easily absorbs both nutrients and toxins from the air and soil, in its environment. That’s why it’s essential that you ingest only CBD that is organically grown.

I will only use CBD that has been grown with consistent genetic material, in the clean air state of Colorado. Because the Cannabis plant is 100% legal in Colorado, there are very strict and rigid farming regulations that must be adhered to. It’s much less expensive to get CBD that has been grown with seeds originating overseas, but the problem is, you can never know what toxins these seeds, and therefore the CBD, has been exposed to. The number one factor when buying CBD is making sure you know not only where the CBD has been manufactured, but where the seeds originated from and has it been organically grown.

You can scour the Internet and discover that almost no CBD carries an organic certification. I am thrilled that my unique CBD Super Cider product is one of the first CBD products in the entire United States to carry a USDA Organic Certification. It wasn’t easy to get that valuable certification, but it’s so important to me that people have the confidence to know they are taking a pure, effective, organic, high quality, medical grade CBD product.

I am passionate about helping you find high-quality CBD at a price you can afford to get the relief (physical and emotional), that you’ve been praying for.

Is CBD Hemp?

Here’s another point of confusion I want to point out to you . . . Cannabis is often referred to as hemp, but that’s misleading and here’s why: CBD is officially known as Industrial Hemp. However, it’s so important to realize that Hemp in and of itself may not be CBD. It may just be plain Hemp Seed Oil. Granted, Hemp Seed Oil is nutritious, similarly to olive oil or grapeseed oil–but it is NOT medicinal. So do not be fooled by products that are touting “500 mg. Hemp.” That may be CBD, but it may not. Make sure you are looking for CBD specifically, and not Hemp because Hemp may mean Industrial Hemp (CBD) or it may be just plain ‘hemp,’ with little or no value.

What is Full Spectrum?

Medicinal CBD is full spectrum CBD. Full Spectrum CBD contains the benefits of the whole plant, rather than just extracting one aspect of the Cannabis plant. CBD isolate is much cheaper to produce but it does not offer the same robust benefits as the full spectrum variety. That’s because CBD isolate is simply one compound from the entire plant, extracted and isolated.

For the most effective healing benefits, and the greatest bioavailability, choose full spectrum CBD–which means whole plant CBD. You get the Cannabinoids, amino acids, terpenes, chlorophyll and other nutrients from the leaves, flowers, stalks, seeds–the entire plant. Full spectrum CBD does contain less than .3% THC, which helps to activate the Cannabinoids in your cream, oil, or other full spectrum CBD product. This is not enough to give you any psychoactive reaction, yet it will increase the medicinal benefits.

The chemical properties of CBD are similar to the over 80 different compounds that are collectively known as cannabinoids, and these are the chemical substances that are found in the average cannabis plant. Though there are many cannabinoids in the Cannabis plant as well as those found in other herbs, CBD is by far the strongest and most powerful phytocannabinoid.

What Are The Different Uses Of CBD?

One of the most common reasons people use CBD products is for blessed relief. However, there are many other uses for this compound.

CBD can be used to help alleviate the long-lasting and devastating effects the stresses of life can have on a person’s well being and overall health. Health issues can affect not only the individuals who are suffering from these ailments, but also their loved ones.

Is CBD Legal?

The popularity of cannabidiol or CBD has skyrocketed because of its ability to help people suffering from dozens of ailments. Hemp-derived CBD is legal in all parts of the United States. CBD from hemp doesn’t have psychoactive effects. In other words, it doesn’t make a person high. Hence, the possession, sale, and purchasing of hemp-derived CBD is legal in the United States. It enjoys the right to any other legal product sold in the U.S.

CBD. Cannabis, Hemp – What’s The Difference?

Why Is CBD So Effective?

As previously discussed, CBD is often sought after for relief. Our 1000 mg CBD pain relief cream is paired with menthol, which has been proven to be effective in reducing pain, overall discomfort, and inflammation for several health conditions.

I personally have had such positive feedback and have heard so many amazing stories from my own clients who are using CBD Super Cider and/or Rena’s Organic CBD tinctures in addition to my 1000 mg. CBD pain relief cream (and even the 500 mg. CBD pain relief cream) for inside-outside relief.

It was absolutely most gratifying for me when my 92-year-old Mother called me (twice!) to let me know how much

the Rena’s Organic 1000 mg. CBD pain relief cream helped her. The first time it was with her legs. She suffers debilitating pain in her legs and she had tried everything, but couldn’t get any relief. It brought tears to my eyes to hear her tell me that she can now finally walk without pain, since she started applying the Rena’s Organic 1000 mg. CBD Pain Relief Cream daily.

Another time, my Mother called to tell me that she woke up with horrible pain in her fingers. She wanted me to know that she had applied the 1000 mg. CBD pain relief cream, and unbelievably, the pain disappeared. I’ve heard so many stories like this from so many of my customers. It’s really so exciting!

Over 70 million people in the United States suffer from chronic pain. The body has its own Endo-cannabinoid System which has significant involvement in the way the body processes information.

All major civilizations throughout Asia, the Middle East, America and Europe, used CBD for centuries.

It’s only been since 1937 that CBD was unfairly made illegal, when it was mistakenly categorized as an illegal substance. To a large extend this was a political move that fortunately was undone in 2014, when President Obama signed the Farm Bill into legislation, which was then renewed with bi-partisan support in 2018.

We are so fortunate to now have this amazing plant compound available to us once again. Due to the Farm Bill, CBD is now legal across the United States. In fact, the United States Government has a patent on CBD, which is being researched for its health effects.

Studies Show That CBD Can Be Really Helpful with Overall Health

In the well-respected medical journal, Experimental Neurology’s article, “The Endocannabinoid System…,” authors Rosaria Greco, Valeria Gasperi, M. Maccarrone and C. Tassorelli, state, “The results of these studies strongly suggest that activation of the Endo-cannabinoid system represents a promising therapeutic tool . . .”

It’s for this reason that Endocrinologists and Cardiologists, as well as Neurologists, often refer their patients to us for CBD.

The Endo-Cannabinoid System

The body’s innate Endo-Cannabinoid system was discovered by scientists in the late 1980s. The system consists of receptor cells in the brain and nervous system, within the immune system, and throughout the connective tissue and cells of the body. Additionally, the Endo-Cannabinoid system includes the body’s endogenous cannabinoids and the proteins that bind and metabolize them.

Research has suggested that the Endo-cannabinoid system is involved both centrally and peripherally in the processing of discomfort signals. Studies have found that Endo-Cannabinoids inhibit the release of neurotransmitters involved with the perception of discomfort.

According to the European Medical Journal “In for Life,” the definition of Cannabinoid is a pharmacological agent of endogenous (the body’s own manufactured cannabinoids), botanical (as in CBD) or synthetic (man-made pharmaceutical) origin.

CBD is the most powerful plant cannabinoid

Why do we need plant cannabinoids if our bodies make their own cannabinoids? Plant cannabinoids can have a powerful effect on so many areas of our health because they make the Endo-cannabinoid system work more efficiently. CBD also inhibits the enzyme FAAH, which breaks down the body’s endogenous cannabinoids.

A high quality Full Spectrum CBD product will also contain other lesser-known, yet effective cannabinoids such as CBC and CBG, as well as powerful plant terpenes. A terpene is a plant essential oil, with healing characteristics.

A Complete Cannabinoid Profile

A high quality CBD product to be used for therapeutic benefit needs to have a complete Cannabinoid and terpene profile.

This is necessary because each of the cannabinoids have a slightly different action. CBD by far is the most effective cannabinoid.

When you use a whole-plant product, the effectiveness of the CBD is supercharged because all the components of the plant work together holistically to create a therapeutic effect.

The Best Way to Use CBD

The most effective way to use CBD, according to experts, is to use a dual approach. It’s recommended that you use a topical pain relief cream, with the added ingredient of menthol, on the effected area as well as ingest CBD orally.

Remember to be a smart shopper and see behind marketing hype. The important issue is always, what is the potency of the product you are taking. You can always take more or less, depending on what your body needs, but it’s essential that your product has a strong, cannabinoid rich potency.

If you are unsure how to know what to look for in CBD, check out this video:

4 Things to Look for when buying CBD

Rena’s Organic CBD is made with the highest quality medical grade CBD on the planet. Don’t just take our word for it. Check out our 3rd party analysis and read what our customers have to say. Rena’s Organic CBD is USA grown in Colorado, under strict organic farming guidelines.

“I had tried everything for my crippling condition. I’m 77 years old and had just about given up. The 1000 mg. CBD pain relief cream has been a miracle for me. I put it on my fingers and I’m able to garden again like I used to. I take two droppers of the 300 mg. CBD before I go to sleep at night. I’m sleeping great and wake up feeling good. I couldn’t recommend it more.”

– Lucille, Texas

The Best CBD

The Industrial Hemp plant, which CBD is derived from, is a bio-accumulator. This means that it draws toxins from the soil. That’s why it’s essential that you only ingest CBD that has been organically grown under strict farming conditions, such as the CBD used in Rena’s Organic products.

All of our products are highly potent. CBD Super Food has 250 mg. Organic CBD or more than 10 mg. per serving, and our Organic Tinctures contain 300 mg., 600 mg., and 1500 mg.

CBD Super Cider, our premier and most popular product, contains 25 mg. CBD per serving—400 mg. Full Spectrum, Organic CBD per bottle.

Athletes, business people, elderly and young people alike, who have suffered with various forms of discomfort, have raved about the benefits of our 500 mg. and 1000 mg. Organic CBD Pain Relief Cream. Most often the cream is used in conjunction with Rena’s Organic CBD Super Cider or Rena’s Organic 300 mg., 600 mg, or 1500 mg. Organic CBD Tincture.

Since discovering the benefits and power of CBD myself, quite by accident, after providing Wellness Seminars to over 200,000 people in over 75 hospitals, it is my goal to make this amazing, healing plant compound available to everyone who is needing relief from the physical and mental stresses of life.

Pharmaceutical grade CBD with all the medicinal Cannabinoids and Terpenes intact is expensive to grow and extract. Still, I strive to keep my prices as low as I possibly can without compromising therapeutic quality. In a world driven by marketing, this isn’t always easy.

I am committed to helping as many people as I can. To that end, please check out our first time buyer discounts.

Also, please be assured by our 30 day money back guarantee. If you don’t get the relief you are hoping for—if you’re not 100% happy with the products, please return them for a full refund.

Let me know how I can support you – feel free to reach out to me.

To Your Health & Happiness,


Rena Greenberg, Celebrity Health & Wellness Speaker and Coach, has been helping people lose weight and get healthy for 30 years. Since 1990, her wellness programs have been reviewed and sponsored in 75 hospitals and 100+ corporations across America, including Disney and AT&T.

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